About Methanol

Methanol is a highly versatile chemical used as an intermediate in the manufacture of countless everyday products. These include adhesive resins for plywood and similar construction materials, polyester fibers and packaging, plastics, paints, coatings, fuels and fuel additives.

The global demand for methanol is around 100 million tons per year, of which almost 1 percent is supplied from Equatorial Guinea, a significant contribution from a single plant. Product is shipped from this facility to Europe and the United States.

AMPCO is a recognized leader in the methanol industry and board member for the Methanol Institute, a global trade organization for methanol. As a primary alcohol, methanol is a basic building block for many other petrochemicals and products used in our everyday lives. Further information about methanol's many uses can be found on the Methanol Institute's webpage.


Please follow the links below to download copies of Atlantic Methanol’s Safety Data Sheets for methanol and our Kosher Certificate:

Multilingual website by Tribal Systems